Everybody grieves differently.
Let us help you find what works best for you

Are you looking for resources or are you looking for personal support? We are here to help.
Oasis appreciates the impact the global pandemic continues to have on individuals and communities. Grieving has become even more complicated with the increased isolation. There are many supports throughout York Region to help you navigate these unprecedented times.
Whether you are grieving yourself or supporting someone who is grieving, sometimes we need some helpful ideas and coping strategies. In our resources section you will find a variety of print and web resources to help you at all stages of your bereavement journey.
Personal Support
There are many organizations in York Region who are here to help you. From group and one-on-one support to workshops and seminars, help is available to fit your needs. Let us help you find it.

You Are Not Alone
Let us help you uncover and honour grief as a normal and healthy process that is vital to living with purpose and meaning after a loved one has died.
Journals from the Grief Journey
Every journey along the path of grief is unique. Journals from the Grief Journey is an atlas and chronicle for deeply personal and beautiful stories of people’s experiences with grief and bereavement. “When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you and your story will heal someone else.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant

Want to support us?
Oasis is a registered not for profit organization. Your financial support will go towards ensuring that grieving members of our community will get the help that they need.